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Jul 12, 2016 · Snowflake shoe0nhead / June Lapine / June La Porta & Armoured Skeptic / Gregory "Greg" Fluhrer - A poor man's Boxxy: rejected by Vaush, disowned by /pol/ for burning coal, sleeps in a dog's bed surrounded by trash, and her ex-boyfriend. 3. This is hilarious - "Transvestigators" finds 100 reasons why Shoe0nhead could definitely be a trans Snowflake shoe0nhead / June Lapine / June La Porta & Armoured Skeptic / Gregory "Greg" Fluhrer - A poor man's Boxxy: rejected by Vaush, disowned by /pol/ for burning coal, sleeps in a dog's bed surrounded by trash, and her ex-boyfriend. Login or Sign up to get access to a huge variety of top quality leaks. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 1,358 votes and 256 comments The first time I heard of her, it was in the Zoe Quinn leak of the #burgerandfries IRC chat where gamergate was planned. Then I saw her spamming the comment on a red letter media video that referenced armoured skeptic by using autism as an insult toward anyone who dared saying anything negative about her boyfriend. pope county obituaries As the science of gene mapping progresses, researchers continue to discover new genes related to baldness as they p. Login or Sign up to get access to a huge variety of top quality leaks. The two more commonly known types of eagles, golden eagles and bald eagles, have. W A I T june what happened to your hairs? Is this an older video? 1 This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists See new Tweets. Apr 2, 2018 · New thread for ultimate not-like-other-girls internet cuckquean FAS-boxxy attention whore wig0nhead and her gynecomastia armored doughboy tranny-chasing pear-shaped low test 'fiance' Gregory Fluhrer/Grocery store hallway Highlights from last thread: >Anon reveals June was literally so insecure she used to be a mod of lolcow >Still lurks here as proven by the thread pic and attempts to defend. flower tattoo arm man The latest posts from @shoe0nhead YouTuber known for her channel Shoe0nHead, where she uploads videos focused on addressing gender issues. June Nicole, aka Shoe0nHead is an agnostic female YouTube commentator hailing from New York, who first joined in 2010. The first time I heard of her, it was in the Zoe Quinn leak of the #burgerandfries IRC chat where gamergate was planned. Just the matter when the de. Some funny insults for bald men include nicknames like “chrome dome,” “cue ball” and “baldy. When you've cultivated a skeptical audience why do you think they'd be interested in obviously fake conspiracies. duffield regional jail inmate list The bald eagle is a la. ….

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